Hello Friends
Two days before Christmas I moved into what will be my family home for many years to come with my Partner, my 23 year old Son and the fluffy one; Angus.
The process of making it our home has brought so much joy & peace to my heart.
And how wonderful it feels to have Me back & inspired to sew again

Quilts on Display
Angus has made himself very much at home, here on Breast of Friends
and here on Simply Red
I've had Baskets for You (Sue Daly) quilted & now awaits for binding & a label.
I plan for this to go in the Master Bedroom
The Prince Quilt (Susan Smith) has also been to the quilters & is all finished.
I love this quilt so much
(and so does Angus)
The Prince's backing; he needed something special
Showing off on the spare bed
And my happiest place......
Will try to update QWE a little more frequently this year (and must get JA back on to share her accomplishments). Stitching continues on Irish Circles (Karen Cunningham), more pictures to share next time
Until then
Happy Stitching
Linda xx